a method to adjust future scenarios from where you are. Now.

Vectors play an important role in physics:the velocity and acceleration of a moving object and the forces acting on it can all be described with vectors.

Vector – the carrier of concepts

is a geometric object that has magnitude (or length) and direction. A vector is what is needed to “carry” the point A to the point B; the Latin word vector means “carrier”.


What we do

Connecting the dots. Creates the path for the next. The future only consists of one substance. The current moment – informed.

We help you to map scenarios you are facing currently. And find ways to express hidden yet present informations within your system. To full understand where you as a company, team or project stand currently.

Once the points are desified the adjustments can be proposed and integrated. In order to adjust the next steps.

Verctoring is about modelling out of the now — today & willfully and decidedly give form to our future ancestory

We offer flexible options, which you can adapt to the different needs of each project.

Correlation Analysis


One month placement based process analysis and vector concept V1

Adjustment Layers


Three month guided analysis including three placements and vector concept V3

Weekly print edition.

Exclusive access to the Études app for iOS and Android.



One year analysis and vector analysis, concept paper & vector 3D proposal facilitated in a workshop

Weekly print edition.

Exclusive access to the Études app for iOS and Android